

906 Uppsatser om Satisfaction with the supervisor - Sida 1 av 61

Så kan arbetsegenskaper påverka de anställdas arbetstillfredsställelse inom en svensk matgrossist

It exists today a widespread interest for employee satisfaction, much effort are used in companies to achieve job satisfaction within their employees. One theory that has received a great deal of publicity is Hackman & Oldhams Job characteristics model which addresses the question of how companies can provide job satisfaction through organizational change. The foundation of the theory is that five core job characteristics are responsible for creating job satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to study these characteristics through the employees and their boss and to determine how they believe these characteristics to affect employee satisfaction. The paper focuses on a company located in a branch widely known for low employee satisfaction.

Chef, medarbetare och kamratskap, hur hanteras balansen? - Två fallbeskrivningar utifrån erfarenheter i olika branscher

The examination is focusing on the person who is working in the supervising position in a company. Two different case studies performed with qualitative interviews. One case study is in the service industry and the other case study is in the manufacture industry. The aim with this study is to bring greater understanding to the eventual problems of identity that a supervisor canexperience because of his/her working position boarder between groups. This considering three roles of the supervisor; one role as asupervisor, one role as a colleague and one role as a friend.

Var det värt det - Hur prisnivå påverkar uppfattad kvalitet, prisvärde och kundnöjdhet

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect that price has on quality expectations and customer satisfaction and how price fits into a customer satisfaction model. An experiment in which participants are subject to scenarios of a high or low quality flight are used to test the hypotheses. The analysis shows that perceived quality has a bigger impact on satisfaction than price. Furthermore, price and quality do not affect customer satisfaction independently of each other. The importance of value compared to quality changes whether the actor is a high or low price actor.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse vid en medicinavdelning

Abstract:Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires a great deal of responsibility. Low job satisfaction and organisation changes affect their work negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate the nurses? job satisfaction and job situation.

Entrepreneurs subjective well-being and job satisfaction: does personality matter?

Previous research has suggested that there is a strong and positive relationship between being an entrepreneur and possessing a high degree of subjective well-being as well as job satisfaction. The big five personality traits have also been argued to be significantly related to both subjective well-being and job satisfaction. Little is however known if personality affects entrepreneurs and regular employees differently. In this paper the impact of personality traits on the cognitive part of subjective well-being as well as job satisfaction are investigated separately among entrepreneurs and regular employees. This is done through OLS-regressions using a Swedish nationally representative survey Employment, Material Resources, and Political Preferences (EMRAPP), where entrepreneurs were oversampled in order to be able to compare entrepreneurs (N = 2483) and regular employees (N = 2642).

Branded for life: En kvantitativ studie av hur tatueringar på butiksbiträden påverkar kundnöjdhet

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether or not tattoos have an impact on perceived customer satisfaction. We constructed an experiment where a service worker's physical appearance was manipulated. Our result indicates no significant impact of tattoos on customer satisfaction. However, the thesis succeeds to replicate previous findings on the links between physical attractiveness, attitude and customer satisfaction, and creates a ground for further discussion on the subject of tattoos in a professional environment..

Tillfredsställelse och lojalitet från ett kundperspektiv

Title: Satisfaction and loyalty from a customer viewpoint Level: Final assignment for Master degree in Business Administration Authors: Thomas Blomqvist and Per Nilsson Supervisor: Lars-Torsten Eriksson Date: Januari 2010Purpose: The overall purpose of our paper is to describe Alfas customers based on the level of satisfaction and loyalty. We also want to find out if there are specific characteristics of customers with a high degree of satisfaction and loyalty.Method: We have used both secondary and primary data in the paper. We started with a review of relevant literature to seek knowledge in the field of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Thereafter we conducted a prestudy by interviewing three of Alfas employees, and finally we conducted a quantitative survey on Alfas customers. The results were analyzed and compared against current theory of customer satisfaction and customer loyaltyResults & conclusion: The results suggest that Alfa is successful in meeting customer expectations in service delivery, even if we can confirm differences in outcome between the three businessareas.

Tjänstekvalitetens inverkan på kundlojalitet : när en tjänst går från att vara avgiftsfri till att bli avgiftsbelagd

Title: The impact of service quality on customer loyalty - when a service changes from being free to become surcharged Authors: Carl Johan Olsson, Marcus Johansson and Victor Carlsson Supervisor: Hans LundbergCourse: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 Credits (15 ECTS) Keywords: Service quality, customer loyalty, price movementPurposeThe purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding if the perceived quality by the service users correlates with a future loyalty to a service when it cease from being free, to become charged.? Does the perceived quality of a service by the service users affect a future loyalty to a service, when it cease from being free, to become charged?MethodIn this essay we have chosen to implement a quantitative research method based on a survey. This choice was made in order to reach a sufficient large amount of service users and empirical data to answer our problem.ConclusionsAccording to the theory, customer satisfaction can be expressed through a comparison between customer?s expectations and the experience of using a service, and there are also positive correlations between service quality and customer satisfaction. Additionally, loyalty is based on service quality and customer satisfaction.

Medarbetarna spelar domino med konkurrensmedelsmixen - medarbetarnas nöjdhet som katalysator

The most vital for a business is to understand how to please and satisfy its customers in order to make them loyal to the company. Companies weapon for competition in the retail business is defined through the retail mix. The retailer however often have limited resources whereas they have to prioritize between the factors included in the retail mix. The main purpose for this paper is to investigate what kind of internal connections that may occur between the factors in the retail mix, with focus on the job satisfaction as a catalyst on driving the values of the parameters included in the retail mix, where the factor service is the starting shot for the others included..

Ledarskapets samband med arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style as well as participants' perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. Sixty-two participants answered a questionnaire containing 56 questions regarding perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. The leadership styles examined in the study was transformative, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. The results showed a relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and job satisfaction but not with laissez-faire leadership. The results also showed that employees experienced a laissez-faire leadership.

Kundtillfredsställelse bland småföretagare: en fallstudie på Handelsbanken och Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken i Skellefteå

The purpose of this thesis was to study local bank offices work with customer satisfaction. A case study concerning two local bank offices was made, the cases were based on interviews with the managers at the bank offices. The research questions that we wanted this thesis to answer was how local bank offices create customer satisfaction among small business customers, and how local bank offices assess customer satisfaction among small business customers. The study showed that local bank offices find customer satisfaction among small business customers important and use complaints as the primary source in the process of creating customer satisfaction..

Lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och belåtenhet med den manliga respektive kvinnliga chefen

Syftet med denna studie var att med en enkät undersöka belåtenhet med chefen ocharbetsrelaterad tillfredsställelse i förhållande till kvinnlig/manlig chef samt medarbetarnas könoch verksamhetstyp. Totalt deltog 147 respondenter vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 74 %.Resultaten visade signifikanta skillnader i hur manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap uppfattades, imeningen att de kvinnliga cheferna hade genomgående mer nöjda medarbetare. Resultatet visadeäven att av de tre verksamhetstyperna (förskola, grundskola och gymnasium) som ingick istudien var förskolan den verksamhet som var mest belåten med chefen, oberoende av kön. Denverksamhet som hade lägst arbetstillfredsställelse i alla kategorier var grundskolan. Den endasignifikanta skillnaden som visades när det gäller kvinnliga och manliga medarbetare, var idelmåttet förmåner.

Tillfredsställelse på arbetet och spänningssökande som en effekt av uppväxten? : Sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse, syskonplacering och spänningssökande

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction, birth order and sensation seeking. The sample consisted of 179 jobholders in four different organizations in southern Sweden, with an average age of 44 years (SD = 12,12). A questionnaire consisting of three parts was used to map out and measure the participants? family background, birth order, job satisfaction and sensation seeking. The study showed no significant relationship between birth order and job satisfaction (p = 0,127).

Tjänstekvalitet i bankbranschen: och dess inverkan på

Banks find themselves at a highly competitive market where it is important to achieve high customer satisfaction if they want to attract customers and stay competitive. Some studies suggest that the gap between customer expectations and perception within the five quality dimensions influences the customer satisfaction. With SERVQUAL the authors of this thesis have investigated the suggested relationship and have discovered no indications of a relationship between the gap and customer satisfaction. Instead the results indicate that there is a relationship between perceived service and customer satisfaction. The thesis also indicates that the most important quality dimension for the bank customer is reliability.

Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar

The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..

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